Wednesday 1 March 2017

Opinions Please!

I have been playing around with options for photographing my cards, as - since the reorganisation, my light-box had to be moved - I have been toying with positions, backgrounds, lighting and so on.  I Watched a video by Debby Hughes of 'Lime Doodle' and she was showing some 'photo boards', so I purchased a few and have been trying them out, with some props.

The opinions I would like, is whether you prefer the 'old' way I photographed my cards, or this 'new' way.  To give you a good comparison, I used a photo of the card from my last post and I took a photo of it again, with two photo boards and some props.  Let me know which you prefer.

This one?

Or, this?

It's not final, of course, I just wanted to hear what you all think?

Thank you so much for your visit today and especially if you have left a comment.  You are all appreciated more than you know! If you have a question, please be sure I have a way to contact you so I can answer, as a lot of you are 'no-reply' bloggers, so I am unable to reply via e-mail.


  1. I watched the Debbie Hughes video too. Goodness knows I need help with my photos too. I prefer the first one. I like the second one, but I do prefer a more close up of a card so I can see it better. Just my two cents.

  2. Hi Hazel, I'm probably the last person to give an opinion as mine are often dark or wonky photos!!! Anyway both look good to me but I think the first shows greater detail. Barbxx

  3. I like the photo prompts I think it makes the colours stand out more on the card. I have always felt your photos have been fantastic anyway. x

  4. hi hazel - here are my thoughts - the second one is definitely most interesting and eye catching - but i think the pitcher is too large and takes away the focus from the card - maybe just the white flowers lying next to the card and photographing from the top down - i think there should be less background and more of the card as the main point of interest - but i'm no expert and have never tried doing this - so for what it's worth dept. hugs.

  5. As you know Hazel I need all the help I can get! I prefer the first one as your gorgeous card is the star and looks fabulous closer in and on it's lonesome! Still haven't opened my new light-box yet....And...I have learnt about Stampin up catalogs...LOL thank you x Hugs x

  6. I do like the staged photo, but I also like the closer look photo. You can use the staging, and also take a 2nd shot closer for the detail. I love the idea of those photo boards -

  7. They are both gorgeous, Hazel!! The props are fabulous in the second one, but I do prefer the first one where the focal point is your beautiful card!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  8. The props are fun, sometimes supplement the picture, but if they are too big, distracting from the card. Personally, I prefer the first image, as well shows the card. I love to focus on the details of the card, "interior design" I'm much less needed. But do not suggest to me, because I'm a freak of nature, I usually significantly deviates from the general public.
    Have a nice night,
    BożenA xoxo

  9. Both photos are wonderful. Though, I do lean more towards the first one because all the focus is right on your card. Your second photo is good too, but I think the props start to take away from your card. In all honesty, I say do what you like best! :)

  10. Love your second photo...your props are almost as fabulous as your card!

  11. I really prefer the first photo, Hazel. I like the closer format and fewer distractions so that I can study how it has been made. I really just like a well-lit close-up photo from, perhaps, a couple different angles. Whatever you decide, though, I'll still love visiting your blog and seeing your wonderful creations.

  12. I prefer the first card too, as I think the jug takes-away from the card. I like the suggestion of the flowers alongside the card on the wood from Betty. Definitely more focus on the card in the first one - and the lighting is better.

  13. Second one looks nice, visually pleasing but the focus goes away from card as if we are advertising a product rather than share our art.I am not against props ,just my opinion :)

  14. I think it depends on what you are using the photos for! If you were looking to sell your cards, for instance, the second photo would be perfect, it's a really attractive, well-balanced and eye catching photo. But for sharing with other crafters, definitely the first. We all want to see the card as clearly as possible so we can ooh and aah over every little detail.

  15. i like the second one better ;)

  16. Lovely card Hazel! as you probably know I am obsessed with getting my photographs right on my blog.Still not got it right so I keep trying different things lol. What I like is a close up of the card, at a slight angle. Then another from a different angle. I do like a few props but maybe just one and behind the card looks best. I like to vary it too so people don't get bored. That's my two penny worth anyway. So....I like the first one, I also like the second one but maybe less props ;) Viv xx

  17. Interesting question! When I first started looking at blogs I once read that props distracted from the cards and the card should be the main focus. I am still following that advice because it makes sense to me. And I am puzzled that now everybody is staging their photos with one or more props!
    I prefer a picture of the card, well lit, with a subtle background. Then I can see it better without having to zoom in. If props than I guess I would say "Less is more".
    Just my two cents because you asked. I'll come and visit your blog, props or not!

  18. I have to go with all the others, Hazel!!!! Your 2nd photo is beautiful, but to showcase your card for us crafters, I think the first one is the best!!! But it is fun to do the second kind of photo, hey!!!!! Which ever way you choose to go will not change the fact that I love your cards!!!

  19. I love the look of staged photos...but I just remember they were cleverly photographed...I don't remember the card itself. When there is a photo of just the card, I remember the card.


Thank you so very much for your comments you lovely people, they really make my day! Hazel x