Tuesday 27 January 2015

Lost Day!!

Well, today (yesterday US time)  I was supposed to start the new online class CAS 4, however, life had other plans for me . . . as it does, as a result I am now one day behind at least and Day 2, is shaping up to be no better.  

The only thing I can do now, is skip anything I've missed, go on to the next and try to go back and catch up when and where I can.

I will post them as and when I do make them, but for now I am off to pick up my 89 year old mother, to give her a birthday tea and spoil her rotten!

Sorry, there is no card today, but tomorrow . . . hopefully.

Have a great day/evening.  Hazel x


  1. Hazel, I signed up for the same classes and in the same boat as you. I missed out yesterday and was thinking of starting with day 2 and than catch up when I can with day 1. Hope you Mom has a wonderful Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy, happy birthday to your Mom!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Spoil your mother absolutely rotten! i will wait to tomorrow to see your creations~

  4. Hope you had a lovely time with your mother, Hazel and that she enjoyed her birthday!!


Thank you so very much for your comments you lovely people, they really make my day! Hazel x