Tuesday 23 December 2014

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

No card today, just a wish for everyone to have a very merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year!  

I know every one of you will be so very busy, so without further ado, I will sign off with a BIG thank you to each and every person who visited my humble blog since I started it back in September.  Your kind and wonderful comments have warmed and touched me.

Also, a big thank you must go to Darnell over at her wonderful blog, djkardkreations and MaryH of Carolina Cards by MaryH who were both very kind and very helpful in my early days as a fledgling blogger.

Christmas Myspace Animated Gifs


  1. Thank you so much, Hazel! I return your wonderful Christmas wishes and I hope you have a very happy and healthy new year!! It's been a pleasure to meet you! Hugs, Darnell

  2. Its been a real pleasure finding your blog (thanks Darnell) and seeing all your latest designs. I've had my blog for just over a year now and I STILL have so much to learn. I hope you and your family have a fantastic Christmas, eat lots of food and have a safe and happy 2015. And I look forward to seeing what you create next year!


Thank you so very much for your comments you lovely people, they really make my day! Hazel x