Sunday 15 May 2016

Funday Sunday - Technique Tryout

Well, as you know my lovelies, Sundays are my fundays, and today I decided to try out a technique I have seen often, but never tried!  The layered embossing technique!  However, it wasn't successful for me, because I am far too impatient, plus, I forgot one vital stage . . . I will explain.  First, I will show you the piece.

Those of you who have tried this technique and been successful will probably see where I messed up.  The first layer of leaves were OK, but when I did the second layer I forgot to go over the background again with another layer of Distress Ink, before heat embossing the third layer, resulting in far too many images of the same colour!

The next big mistake, was being far too impatient and not drying the next layer of Distress Ink thoroughly enough, which resulted in a mess around some of the images, if you look closely, you will see about four different patches where the clear embossing powder clung to areas that weren't quite thoroughly dry.  As I'd already made a mess of it in this way, I decided to distress it even more by sprinkling some water droplets on it and mopped them off with some tissue, turning it into more of a 'shabby chic' piece.

I will give this another go one day and try and get it right next time!  Then, I sprayed water on my craft mat to wipe up the ink, but instead of grabbing the old towel I keep for mopping up, I decided to grab a piece of water-colour card instead and mop up with that.  This is my 'mop up' piece.

I think the 'mop up' piece was the better piece of the two in the end!  ;)

Here they are, side by side.

What did you get up to today?  I hope it was fun!
Thank you so much for your visit today and especially if you have left a comment.  You are all appreciated more than you know!


  1. There's nothing I like better than having a good old play and trying out some new techniques. I think you're definitely onto a good start though - I am terribly impatient with waiting for distress ink to properly dry and have done exactly the same as you before! Give it another go - and I still think this could be made into a gorgeous card panel. I loved how you mopped up the ink and got two out of it :) ASs for me, today I've been playing around with felt and embossing folders - will share on the blog this week if I can :) xx

  2. Hazel, so glad you had fun today! It's funny how sometimes the techniques we work so hard on are just as effective as swiping some paper across the left overs! They are both great!

  3. I think your card looks gorgeous, Hazel!! The leaves are beautiful!! I love the mopped-up piece, too!! I can't wait to see what you create with it!! I know it will be amazing!! Have a great day my friend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  4. I am NOT familiar with this technique! I think it is pretty, and your mop up background too!

  5. I did the same as you on the layers! But I intend to give this another try. Actually I think your piece turned out quite well, and you can always do some surgery and get borders if you don't want to use the bkground as a 'whole'. And the mop up looks fav too. Easy to see you had a fun day! TFS & Hugs

  6. GORGEOUS!!!! Love your card.

  7. I think both your pieces are quite pretty, and you've inspired me to try the distress ink/embossed technique. Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  8. I haven't tried this technique will check ! I loved the piece will make nice panel for CAS card or even mixed media ! The mop up is lovely ;)

  9. I think we all enjoy having a play - we're all still girls at heart. It looks as if you had great fun. I love the finished effect and am going to try this. Barbxx

  10. I think your card is very pretty. When we mess up on cards we say...smears to you!! It looks like you had a fun day and I am going to try that technique!

  11. Your experiment turned out way better than my first try. I wouldn't even bother to photograph mine ... right into the garbage bin. I'm impatient, and this technique requires patience. :) I will have to try it again, but when I'm working on something else as well so that I can get distracted and leave it for long time between coats. :) I love the stamps you've used ... and the colours. So pretty. Your "mopped up" piece is gorgeous too. xx

  12. I made the same mistake about not letting the ink dry! You had the right idea and beautiful colors! Love that mop up piece!

  13. Well I love them both Hazel, I am sure you could combine them and make a lovely card. Catching up with 'stuff' today, so no card making arghh where does the day go lol?? ;) Viv xx

  14. Oh, if I had a nickel for every piece I messed up I'd be rich for sure! Bravo to you for showing us your experiments. I'm sure I wouldn't be so brave! And they both look pretty good to me so I look forward to seeing them used in a creative way in the future!

  15. Oh, I enjoyed this post, Hazel ...and BTW, I think both your pieces look great, my friend!!! Definitely nothing messed up on these - can't wait to see how you have used them!!!


Thank you so very much for your comments you lovely people, they really make my day! Hazel x