Sunday 4 October 2015

A Late WCMD & Missed Blogaversary Post

I must start with an apology for you, my faithful friends . . . for the delay in posting any cards since being back and I will explain why.

You can blame the very talented Kathleen Driggers for my delay, you see, if you click on her name here you will be taken to the very reason I haven't posted, it is a post about an amazing little program called Evernote (I won't explain it here as Kathleen does it so much better on You Tube HERE

So, I have been cataloguing my stamp sets and dies . . . I'm up to 361 stamp sets at present, with a load more to go and I haven't even started on the dies yet!  Lordy, what have I let myself in for?  I keep telling myself that it will be worth it in the end and save me £££'s in purchasing doubles of things (because I have lost track of what I already own) and do that a lot!

Anywho, back to the title of this post.  I realised - all too late - that it was World Card Making Day!   So, I dropped the mammoth task I had undertaken and rushed to make a card for our special day . . . then,  it was evening by now and I had . . . lost the light!!  Today, whilst preparing this post, I realised  . . . to my horror . . . I had forgotten my very own 1st Blogaversary!!  Which, according to my countdown widget was six days ago!  Sorry I'm rambling. 

Whilst I was away, as you all know, I was without internet and crafting goodies,  so again I just printed off some pictures to colour in and took some colouring pencils as well and practised my colouring technique.  So, I did cheat and use one of those pictures to make a quick card in honour of our special day (as I was running short of time)  and have taken the pictures today . . . here they are.

Thank you all so much for your infinite patience and understanding and normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!  Have a wonderful, wonderful Sunday!  Hazel xx


  1. Hi Hazel, what a really cute Christmas card. That monkey is so sweet and doesn't look as if he's going to let go of his cracker. A lovely card. Now I'm going to read what you've been up to .... Barbxx

  2. Happy Belated Blogoversary! That's a super cute card. I'm also super grateful to you for directing me to Evernote. I'm still in the very early stages of my collection of goodies, but I have, being a librarian by trade, started to keep an inventory in an Excel spreadsheet. It also helps me keep track of my spending. I'm going to look into this now! I am hopeful it will help me keep track of my Copic colours and other inks too when I'm out and find somewhere that sells them! Thank you so much for sharing! Xx

  3. Love your much fun! And your coloring is amazing.

  4. I just realised the other day that my 2yr blogaversary was last month, totally forgot! So don't worry, your not the only one who's life is passing them by..... 361 stamp, thats amazing! I don't think I even have 100, that really impressive! I am amazed though how quickly I have built up what I have over the last 18 months, considering when I first started my blog I thought stamping was a waste of time. Congratulations on 12 months of fun and bloggie friends and here's to many more. And your Xmas card monkey is adorable!!!

  5. Aww what an adoreable card and monkey Hazel. Thanks for the lovely comments too, have a great weekend ;) Viv xx

  6. Oh my gosh, this is so sweet!! What an adorable image!! He makes me smile!! Happy (belated) blogaversary!! I wish you many, many more!! Have a great day :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts


Thank you so very much for your comments you lovely people, they really make my day! Hazel x