Wednesday 22 August 2018

Going Away Again!

Hello my dear friends.  I am just popping in with a couple of cards (made when I made the last one that I posted, but hadn't actually photographed them)   As explained in my last post, my old copy of Photoshop no longer works with the new Windows 10 - good old Microsoft . . . Grrrr - anywho, I am using a little freebie image viewer with very limited editing facility (but it's free, so I can't complain), so the pictures aren't the best, but then, neither are the cards!  I just can't seem to muster up the enthusiasm.  Reading this back, it seems very garbled, so please excuse that.

I will ramble no longer and show the cards.

I will be away for the whole of September, with limited mobile data, so I will, hopefully see you when I return (hopefully, my mojo will return with me).  I hope you all

Thank you so much for your visit today and especially if you have left a comment.  You are all appreciated more than you know! If you have a question, please be sure I have a way to contact you so I can answer, as a lot of you are 'no-reply' bloggers, so I am unable to reply via e-mail.


  1. two lovely cards, Hazel - love the subtle backgrounds you created and the soft colors - the flower card is my fave!

  2. Two very pretty cards Hazel. I love the blue, and what looks like a touch of silver, in the background of the first, and the black mat and twine bow show off your sentiment so well, and the beautiful bouquet of flowers with that wonderful shape for the sentiment over the top is just perfect. I don't think you have lost your mojo, it is just that you have lots of other things taking up your time and this month away is just what you need. I hope you have a great time and come back fully refreshed. x

  3. Love the swooshing effect and the pretty colours on your first card. Such a beautiful and delicate second card. The photos look great Hazel ...I really wouldn't worry about the editing etc. This free programme looks good to me. Have a lovely time away X.

  4. They're so artistic and gorgeous Hazel!! I love the colors and designs of each one!! I hope you have a safe and wonderful September, my friend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  5. Hazel, travel safely and enjoy your trip. Your cards are fabulous. I just got a new computer and had to buy a new photo shop version. If you are getting the not enough ram error or the put in an interger between 8 and 50 error. There is a fix. I was so frustrated when I got the new laptop (old one was running vista) and a new version of pse and it didn't work. --- but I found a fix. I'll be happy to email it to you.

    Now on to your cards. Beautiful, I love that circle with just the bit of a frame around it. Your second card with that fab shape - I think I ordered that set from SU...but not the punch. Seems a simple one to fussy cut. These cards are gorgeous and I look forward to seeing more when you return.

  6. It's to bad you lost your MOJO that said, these are great cards for not having any! Love that blue wash on the first card. I hope life has gotten a little more calm for you.

  7. Two beauties, Hazel - especially love the flower clusters on card two! Enjoy your holiday!!

  8. Your cards are beautiful, Hazel! Safe travels, my friend.

  9. Oh Hazel, these cards are so beautiful! I really love the first one, but am loving the second one too as it is so cheerful. I hope you have a lovely holiday my friend. I wish I was going away for the month of Sept. lol Hugs, Brenda

  10. Your cards are so lovely, Hazel, it's hard to believe that you have lost your mojo! Hopefully you will get it back after you return as your creations are always so inspiring!
    Enjoy your time in Spain, relax, and have fun!

  11. For not being able to "muster up the enthusiasm," you do a fantastic job. Both cards are lovely. I hope you have a relaxing trip, wherever you may be in September. I look forward to receiving notice of your posts when you return.

  12. Your cards are beautiful, Hazel! I can't believe another September has already rolled around! Have a wonderful relaxing holiday away!! Hugs, Darnell

  13. I hate taking photos! I never seem to get them anywhere near right no matter what I use. Both of them are gorgeous. I love the colours in the flower card. Have a great holiday!! xx


Thank you so very much for your comments you lovely people, they really make my day! Hazel x