Saturday 20 October 2018

An Apology

I have to start with an apology again!  I know, I am always doing that lately.  However, my mum is needing more and more support from me and I just don't feel like doing anything much.  I am doing some sewing, but it's more about a need than a want.  So, I have just put together another little slide-show of our September visit to Spain.

Thank you so much for your visit today and especially if you have left a comment.  You are all appreciated more than you know!


  1. A beautiful overview of your holiday Hazel and it looks absolutely stunning in Andalucia, no wonder you love it there. I hope your Mum is doing OK but we understand it is the way of things that she will be more and more dependent on your help so you will not have as much time or energy for blogging or cardmaking. We will be pleased to see you here as and when you can visit. Take care. x

  2. What gorgeous pictures!! It looks like such a beautiful place!! I hope your Mum is doing well and that you are able to take some time for yourself to rest, too. Thinking of you and sending big hugs your way :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  3. Thank you for sharing the video and what stunning views x

  4. Sorry your mum isn't doing well. Good that you can spend time with her. I enjoyed the virtual visit to Spain!

  5. You never need to apologise, I totally understand that family comes before anything else. I could be making WAY MORE cards but I always do a lot of things with my kids as the time has gone so fast with them growing up, I know one day they won't want to do things with me anymore. And as horrible as it is to admit, our Mum's won't be around forever either, so make the most of her and we will always be here when you come back!! xx

  6. lovely little tour of your time in Spain - and being a caregiver is so demanding - no need to apologize - just good to hear from you!

  7. What fabulous views in Spain! No apologies needed. Life takes time. Treasure these moments even through the frustrations. You are where you need to be. Hugs. More hugs, and LOTS MORE HUGS.

  8. Omgoodness, your slide show was stunning Hazel!!! I love the photo's of you and your friends?/family? I also loved those huge tomatoes and was it a nectar??? Looked so yummy! The views were amazing! I'm sorry your mum needs you more and more, but family first and you do what you need to do. No apology needed! Big hugs, Brenda

  9. We all understand that life gets in the way of things at times, and if it is what is needed, never feel guilty. Thanks for sharing your holiday! Looks amazing! xx

  10. Wonder video of your time in Spain, Hazel! Sorry to hear Iris is not doing well. Take care my friend! xx

  11. Sorry to learn that your mum is requiring more care. I certainly understand your need to organize your days around her needs and how that doesn't leave much energy for anything else. Just remember to take a little time, whenever you can, for yourself. Also, thank you for sharing the photos of Spain. Such beautiful landscapes!

  12. You can only do so much, it takes its toll, take care xxx


Thank you so very much for your comments you lovely people, they really make my day! Hazel x